Duo presents a video projection synchronising the images of two women playing, from memory, a piano sonata for four hands by Anton Diabelli. On a monitor we see them in an everyday situation that both disrupts and emphasises the act of performing.
In focusing on the relationship between the movements of the women's hands and the production of sound, the silence of Duo attends to the mental and physical work of their performance rather than its outcome.
Exhibited during Pilot
Anette Rose is a Berlin-based artist. She has been invited to RWTH Aachen University as an Artist-in-Residence, was awarded a working stipend for fine arts from the state government of Berlin and has also received project and film support for installations in her long-term “Encyclopaedia of Manual Operations” project. Alongside her participation
in large exhibitions of contemporary art (including “Between Bodies and Object” in 2006 and “Colossal – Art Fact Fiction” in 2009-2012, both curated by Jan Hoet), she has also presented her works in the contexts of work, film and technology, at anthropology and cultural studies symposia, and at meetings on gesture studies.